


Reviewed articles (*ISI Thompson Reuters listed journals):


*Thomas Thaler, Lukas Löschner, Thomas Hartmann (2017): The introduction of catchment-wide co-operations: scalar reconstructions and transformation in Austria in flood risk management. Land Use Policy, 68, 563-573. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.08.023


Book chapters:


Ortner, S., Thaler, T., Seebauer, S. (2017), BottomUp:Floods: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen von Bürgerinitiativen im Hochwasser- und Naturgefahrenmanagement (BottomUp:Floods: Possibilities and challenges for citizen initiatives in flood and natural hazard management). Zeitschrift für Wildbach-, Lawinen-, Erosions- und Steinschlagschutz, 180, 250-256.

Seebauer, S., Ortner, S., Babcicky, P., Thaler, T. (2018, online first). Bottom-up Citizen Initiatives as Emergent Actors in Flood Risk Management: Mapping Roles, Relations and Limitations. Journal of Flood Risk Management. doi:10.1111/jfr3.12468.

Thomas Thaler (2018): Multi-level Stakeholder-Beteiligung im Hochwasserrisikomanagement: Fallbeispiele aus England, in Rudolf-Miklau, F., Kanonier, A. (eds.): Regionale Risiko-Governance: Recht, Politik und Praxis. Wien: Verlag Österreich.

Thomas Thaler (2017): Scalar politics in flood risk management and community engagement, in Susan L. Cutter, Natural Hazard Science: Oxford Research Encyclopaedias. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Presentations at conferences and workshops:


Thaler, T., Seebauer, S., Ortner, S. (2018): Bottom-up citizen engagement to enhance private flood preparedness – Lessons learnt and potentials for Austria. Proceedings 19th Austrian Climate Day, pp. 156-157.

Stefan Ortner (2017): Erfahrungen aus dem betrieblichen Risikomanagement. IWP Integrative Wasserbauliche Praxisgespräche – Einsatzpläne Hochwasser/Naturgefahren, 20. September, Lienz, Austria

Thomas Thaler, Philipp Babcicky, Sebastian Seebauer, Sven Fuchs (2017): Closing the gap between individuals and institutions – Best practice in bottom-up citizen initiatives for flood preparedness. 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference – Our climate ready future, 5-9 June, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Thomas Thaler, Sally Priest (2016): Partnership funding in flood risk management: multi-level stakeholder engagement – a question of roles and power. FLOODrisk 2016: 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management – Innovation, Implementation, Integration, 18-20 October, Lyon, France.

Thomas Thaler, Sally Priest, Sven Fuchs (2016): Partnership approaches in flood risk management: lessons from the Eastern Alps. FLOODrisk 2016: 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management – Innovation, Implementation, Integration, 18-20 October, Lyon, France.




Seebauer, S., Ortner, S., Babcicky, P., Thaler, T. (2018): Bridging the Governance Gap between Individuals and Institutions: Perspectives of Bottom-up Citizen Initiatives in Flood Risk Management. Poster presentation at the 25th International Association of People-Environment Studies Conference, July 8-13, 2018, Rome.

Thomas Thaler, Sven Fuchs (2017): Bottom-up interface in transformative adaptive flood risk management – decision-making in Eastern Alps. 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference – Our climate ready future, 5-9 June, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Thomas Thaler, Sebastian Seebauer, Stefan Ortner, Philipp Babcicky (2017): Bottom-up citizen engagement to enhance private flood preparedness – Lessons learnt and potentials for Austria. 18. Österreichischer Klimatag, 22-24 May, Vienna, Austria.

Thomas Thaler (2016): Developing partnership approaches for flood risk management: implementation of inter-local co-operations in Austria. 13th Congress Interpraevent 2016, 30 May-2 June, Luzern, Switzerland.

Thomas Thaler, Sven Fuchs (2016): Regional governance in flood risk management: examples of inter-local flood risk management approaches in Austria. 13thCongress Interpraevent 2016, 30 May-2 June, Luzern, Switzerland.